time passes by and there's too much to catch up these days..but because today is a holy-day,sooo trying to cover as much as i can in this lovely diary..
well,talking bout the title,today i hanged out with my sister,hanny and have lotta fun!which we barely can do in the dailies since we both are busy,hihi..
so let the picture talks as usual..

Sorry for the bad quality of pictures :( really wish my note back!after all,we only took at opal coffee since we have super big lunch there,now i know how is it like 'eat till you drop'.for me,eating is also another joy in life so i always feel happy whenever i gotta eat something superb!xoxo
Another Chapter
i met several ppl from my past today,they're : chris,juni and shierly.they are chingus from high school and you know what,when you met ppl from your past,there you understand clearly of what has already passed and can't turn back.i talked to them and it's like talking to strangers,remembering how we used to shared jokes and laughed together,even only the matter of months,it's all flew away and we turns out strangers.it makes me think what will happened between me and my present ppl?will we someday also turns to strangers?with memories?i know one thing,people don't last forever,memories does...from now on,i wanna respect more ppl and do goods as much as i can so that they can last longer#hopeso
ps : talking bout memories,passing by some of my bittersweet memories does make pinches to my heart.as i passed by 'lolita' novels shelves at gramedia,i thought of you and us^^ well,unfortunately maybe now i've lived somewhere in your farthest part of memory,but still thanks for giving me such memories to be remember and smile everytime i think of it..